Distant Neutron Stars Could Reveal the Quirks of Quarks

Physicists are studying gravitational waves from neutron stars for clues about quarks, "quark matter," and their…

This AI Uses Echolocation to Identify What You’re Doing

A research team built a device that can emit an ultrasonic pitch and pick up its…

These Super-Precise Clocks Help Weave Together Space And Time

Insanely precise atomic clocks are letting astrophysicists image black holes, steer spacecraft, and maybe one day…

The First Black Hole Picture Has Finally Been Revealed

The Event Horizon Telescope has captured a photo of a supermassive black hole at the center…

Scientists Reveal Ancient Social Networks Using AI—and X-Rays

Historians are using data science to unearth overlooked female power brokers, imperial influencers, and other figures…

Quantum Physics Could Protect the Grid From Hackers—Maybe

If you measure the polarization of a photon, you instantly change it. Utility companies could use…

Get Ready For Gravitational Waves All Day, Every Day

An infusion of cash is kicking off the next set of gravitational wave detectors, which will…

Why a Grape Turns Into a Fireball in a Microwave

Nuking a grape produces sparks of plasma, as plenty of YouTube videos document. Now physicists think…

Scientists Reconstruct an Object by Photographing Its Shadow

Taking a page from film noir spycraft, a team of researchers found a way to photograph…

A Floating Glass Bead Could Help Physicists Probe the Unknown

New tabletop sensors could be sensitive enough to glimpse gravitational waves and even dark matter particles.