iPhone owners can now plug in hardware security keys with the YubiKey 5Ci – CNET

Yubico's new $70 key uses Apple's Lightning but also supports USB-C connections to Android phones and…

I visited Russia’s nuclear city and don’t want to relive the Cold War – CNET

Commentary: One era of nuclear brinksmanship was enough for CNET's Stephen Shankland, who visited the Russian…

Nuclear weapons are spreading. This plutonium scientist is trying to stop that – CNET

Siegfried Hecker serves as a scientific shuttle diplomat, building ties with rival nuclear researchers the world…

Apple: Break Safari’s privacy rules and we’ll treat you like malware – CNET

The iPhone maker releases a no-fooling-around policy guiding its technology for stopping advertisers and websites from…

Adobe promises faster Lightroom photo editing thanks to GPU chip – CNET

PC graphics processors are being put to new use in the latest release of Lightroom Classic.

Firefox’s new stylized logo is starting to arrive – CNET

To get a sense of the new look, try Mozilla's fast-moving but rough-around-the-edges Firefox Nightly version.

Google now offers no-password login — if you have an Android phone – CNET

It's a small but important step to dumping a flawed part of online security. A standard…

Twitter users now can send and receive tips with the Brave browser – CNET

And other Twitter users can tip you back. The system is coming to Reddit, Vimeo and…

Brave now lets you cash out the ad revenue the browser pays you – CNET

You'll have to identify yourself first, though. The feature is arriving in a test version of…

Facebook’s Oculus Quest gets web-based VR with Firefox Reality browser – CNET

Mozilla's new browser gives Facebook's no-wires headset a boost, but there's still little indication of mainstream…