Geoffrey Hinton, Godfather of AI, Has a Hopeful Plan for Keeping Future AI Friendly

Geoffrey Hinton left Google so he could speak more freely about AI’s dangers. He argues that…

Grimes on Living Forever, Dying on Mars, and Giving Elon Musk Ideas for His Best (Worst) Tweets

Claire Boucher is open sourcing her musical persona to let people create their own version of…

Uber’s CEO Says He’ll Always Find a Reason to Say His Company *****

Dara Khosrowshahi swooped in to tame a beastly work culture and try to make the on-demand…

Almost 50 Years Into the Crypto Wars, Encryption’s Opponents Are Still Wrong

Attempts by the US and UK to require backdoors in secure messaging apps are a huge…

Dear Mark Zuckerberg: Don’t Fight Elon Musk in the Las Vegas Octagon

Meta’s CEO would do us all a favor by not taking on Elon Musk in a…

Dear Mark Zuckerberg: Don’t Fight Elon Musk in the Las Vegas Octagon

Meta’s CEO would do us all a favor by not taking on Elon Musk in a…

Get Ready for the Battle of the Metaverses

Plus: name-checking Neal Stephenson, beauty’s role in product design, and ranking Silicon Valley’s AI worrywarts.

How to Live Well, Love AI, and Party Like a 6-Year-Old

WIRED cofounder Kevin Kelly believes tech ultimately bends towards good—you just might have to wait a…

Frances Haugen Says We Need a ‘Free Mark’ Movement

The Facebook whistleblower says laws to fix social media will come—but she warns of emerging threats…

Microsoft’s Satya Nadella Is Betting Everything on AI

The CEO can’t imagine life without artificial intelligence—even if it’s the last thing invented by humankind.