Why a bunch of people are suing Epic Games over Fortnite’s dance moves

A growing cluster of actors, musicians and viral internet stars have Fortnite in their crosshairs. The…

Gift Guide: 6 rugged gifts for outdoorsy friends and family

Shopping for someone who prefers hiking and camping to the great indoors can be tricky. Not…

With Congress focused on political bias, Google’s CEO gets off easy

Google may have evaded the first few rounds of grill-a-tech-exec, but its CEO Sundar Pichai wound…

Facebook quietly hired Republican strategy firm Targeted Victory

Facebook is still reeling from the revelation that it hired an opposition research firm with close…

Sheryl Sandberg knew more of Facebook’s work with Definers than she let on

Two weeks after the New York Times revealed Facebook’s controversial work with Republican opposition research firm…

Polyteia launches to help European city governments put their data to work

Local governments collect a lot of data, but they aren’t always great at organizing and using…

Google’s Sundar Pichai will face Congress next week

Google may have dodged a raised right hand moment on the Hill this year as top…

Zuckerberg won’t step down as Facebook chairman

In a short but amply-hyped interview with CNN, Facebook’s founder and chief executive again responded to…

Facebook has other ties to Definers, the GOP-led opposition research group

In the wake of a fairly catastrophic behind the scenes glimpse into Facebook’s high-level decision making,…

Zuckerberg denies knowledge of Facebook’s work with GOP opposition research firm

Today in call with reporters preceded by a frantic if fairly uneventful distraction-pushing media blitz, Facebook…