Netflix’s Big Viewership Numbers Mean Very Little

The streaming service now defines anything watched for at least two minutes as a "view." Wait,…

‘Which Character Are You?’ Instagram Filters Are Radically Dumb

They're also incredibly comforting—a perfect visual representation of our collective apathy in the face of overstimulation…

‘1917’ Is a Movie That Feels Like a Videogame—in a Good Way

Director Sam Mendes' World War I epic is edited to look like one continuous shot. The…

‘Cats’ Is as Terrible as the Internet Guessed It Might Be

The movie adaptation of the beloved musical is a disaster from start to finish.

‘Marriage Story’ Proves Anything on Netflix Can Be a Meme Now

Over the weekend, the internet turned the film's most tense moment into LOLs. Because of course…

Not Everything in Disney’s Vault Is as Good as You Remember

Disney+ gives streaming subscribers access to nearly all of the classic back catalog, but not all…