Libra’s critics are missing the forest for the trees

Critics of Facebook's proposed stablecoin are well-intentioned, but they're missing the forest for the trees.

There’s no ‘perfect time’ for giving employees feedback

You can’t put performance feedback on hold until you have everything ironed out. The pace of…

The first hires are the hardest

Money is usually too tight to pay competitive salaries, there’s no recognizable brand or reputation yet…

Immigrants from China and India can accelerate the green card process

Securing a green card can feel overwhelming for people in Silicon Valley who were born in…

Where tech companies should look to expand

Brutally expensive housing markets, fierce competition over a shrinking talent pool and unbearably long commutes: these…

Manage your angel investors, or they’ll manage you

It's almost certain that an angel will play a role in your startup’s journey, but like…

Turning Google traffic into leads, and what’s new in SEO

We’ve aggregated the world’s best growth marketers into one community. Twice a month, we ask them to…

Latin America Roundup: Uber acquires Cornershop, Softbank invests in Buser, Olist

Brazil continued to churn out unicorns this month, with Curitiba-based Ebanx becoming the first startup from…

Work permit delays disrupt foreign workers’ career plans

Immigration advocates are rightly fretting over the Trump administration’s new health insurance mandate and efforts to…

Government is a technology, so fix it like one

The Roman Empire, the Iroquois Confederacy and the United States of America are human inventions as…