Researchers Want Guardrails to Help Prevent Bias in AI

Researchers suggest limiting the possible results from an algorithm, particularly when non-experts are at the controls.

The Apple Card Didn’t ‘See’ Gender—and That’s the Problem

The way its algorithm determines credit lines makes the risk of bias more acute.

Microsoft Sends a New Kind of AI Processor Into the Cloud

An innovative chip from Graphcore could push artificial intelligence applications to greater heights.

African AI Experts Get Excluded From a Conference—Again 

For the second year in a row, researchers from the developing world have been denied visas…

Why Solving a Rubik’s Cube Does Not Signal Robot Supremacy

OpenAI demonstrated a robotic arm successfully completing the puzzle. It didn't show the machine dropping the…

This Technique Can Make It Easier for AI to Understand Videos

A staggering amount of video is shared online. Researchers are teaching artificial intelligence to process more—while…

Trump’s Latest Salvo Against China Targets AI Firms

The US bans trade with six Chinese companies, ostensibly for their work against Uighurs. Analysts say…

An AI Pioneer Wants His Algorithms to Understand the ‘Why’

Deep learning is good at finding patterns in reams of data, but can't explain how they're…

Even the AI Behind Deepfakes Can’t Save Us From Being Duped

Google and Facebook are releasing troves of deepfakes to teach algorithms how to detect them. But…