bc newsletter 12-6-20

How to Pitch Stories to Wired

We want to encourage a broad set of writers to amaze and challenge us. So here's…

The US Is Paying Way Too Much for Remdesivir

The inflated price of the anti-Covid drug may not bother hospitals, insurance companies, or even patients.…

CHIP ****

The Covid-19 Newsletter That’s by Doctors for Doctors

A team of critical care specialists has a side project debunking questionable coronavirus theories for other…

That 8-Star System in *Star Trek: Picard*  Really Could Exist

You'd need just the right arrangement, and the orbital motions would be insane, but the physics…

How North Korean Hackers Rob Banks Around the World

They scored $80 million by tricking a network into routing funds to Sri Lanka and the…

OneWeb Joins the Internet Satellite Gold Rush

The company is scheduled to launch 34 satellites Thursday from Kazakhstan.

Space Photos of the Week: Starkiller Base? Nope, Just Real-Life Icy Moons

There’s more to these frozen, frost-covered satellites than meets the eye.

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