Why some insect eggs are spherical while others look like hot dogs

Analyzing a new database of insect eggs’ sizes and shapes suggests that where eggs are laid…

Some plants use hairy roots and acid to access nutrients in rock

Shrubs in mountainous areas of Brazil have specialized roots that secrete chemicals to extract phosphorus from…

A scientist used chalk in a box to show that bats use sunsets to migrate

A new device for investigating bat migration suggests that the flying mammals orient themselves by the…

Hermit ***** are drawn to the smell of their own dead

A new study finds that the smell of hermit crab flesh attracts other hermit ***** of…

Poison toilet paper reveals how termites help rainforests resist drought

Novel use of poisoned toilet paper rolls and teabags led to discovery that termites help tropical…

Rebel honeybee workers lay eggs when their queen is away

A honeybee queen’s absence in the colony triggers some workers to turn queen-like and lay eggs,…

Malaysia is ground zero for the next malaria menace

With deforestation in Malaysia, monkeys and humans are getting closer — and mosquitoes are infecting humans…

While eating, these tiny worms release chemicals to lure their next meal

As they eat insects, one nematode species releases chemicals that attract more insect prey.