Study weighs environmental costs of proteins

Beef and farmed catfish aren't great on the environment, but wild-caught fish and farmed shellfish have…

This shelter is making things right for survivors of violence — including the pets

Ahimsa House brings healing to survivors of domestic violence, by giving both humans and animals a…

Your kitchen towel could cause food poisoning

Using a kitchen towel for many uses can spread E. coli and get your family sick.

Ex-Aides: Pruitt Ordered EPA to Deliberately Slow Compliance with FOIA Requests

How nuns in Mexico are helping save a critically endangered salamander

The Sisters of the Monastery of the Dominican of Order have cared for the rare salamanders…

Monsanto name will disappear, not its products

Monsanto was bought by German company Bayer, but products like Roundup aren't going anywhere.

Ahead of Farm Bill Markup, EWG Urges Senate to Back Grassley’s Subsidy Reform Efforts

Want an age-friendly place to live? Move to the big city

A new study finds that older people are worried about access to heath care and relationships.

Why net neutrality matters

The FCC ended net neutrality protections last year, but it may be restored after protests from…

Dutch neighborhood of 3D-printed houses will be world's first

With not enough skilled bricklayers to go around, the city of Eindhoven turns to 3D printing…