Why net neutrality matters

The FCC ended net neutrality protections last year, but it may be restored after protests from…

Dutch neighborhood of 3D-printed houses will be world's first

With not enough skilled bricklayers to go around, the city of Eindhoven turns to 3D printing…

Mars is about to shine brighter than any time since 2003

The red planet will put on a nighttime spectacle as it comes within 35.8 million miles…

10 healthier recipes for comfort foods you love

These traditional dishes both comfort during difficult times and help us celebrate during good times.

Shinrin-yoku: A deep dive into forest bathing

If you're looking for a way to de-stress and relax, bath in the forest — or…

Sea salt contains an alarming amount of microplastics

You're ingesting microplastics when you consume this trendy salt source.

Water can be 2 different liquids

Water can go from liquid to another liquid under the right circumstances, but you'll have to…

People thank close friends and family less than strangers (and that's not a bad thing)

"Expressing gratitude and feeling gratitude are not the same thing," remind scientists looking at recordings of…

House Democrats call on the FBI to investigate Scott Pruitt

He already faces at least 12 federal inquiries, could a criminal probe be next?

No mirage: Amazing new water harvester turns air into fresh water, even in the desert

Spongy water harvester prototype that uses only sunlight was tested successfully in the Arizona desert.