Berkeley’s gas ban is all but dead. What does that mean for other cities?

Despite another defeat in court, experts say cities still have plenty of options for electrifying buildings.

Will Arizona close a loophole that lets developers build without water?

Despite water woes in “wildcat” neighborhoods, lawmakers may not act.

**** salad: E-Coli from factory farms threaten America’s leafy greens

**** salad: E-Coli from factory farms threaten America's leafy greens rcoleman January 4, 2024 A single…

Burn After Wearing

A mountain of used clothes appeared in Chile’s desert. Then it went up in flames.

In Juneau, Alaska, a carbon offset project that’s actually working

Visiting Alaska is an emissions-heavy prospect. An innovative program has tourists ease that by helping buy…

7 ways to detox your home (and keep it clean) year ‘round

7 ways to detox your home (and keep it clean) year ‘round rcoleman January 3, 2024…

24 Predictions for 2024

Plastics, taxes, and expensive desserts: Grist reporters weigh in on the climate trends that will shape…

‘Green roads’ are plowing ahead, buffering drought and floods

As the developing world witnesses a boom in road building, a movement to retrofit existing roads…

PG&E sneaks in last-minute rate hike request to California regulators on final business day of 2023

PG&E sneaks in last-minute rate hike request to California regulators on final business day of 2023…

Buying an EV just got more affordable

The federal tax credit is now available as an upfront rebate, making EVs more accessible to…