What is listeria?

A listeria infection is a foodborne illness that can be very serious for pregnant women, those…

AspenClean Brings First EWG VERIFIED™ Cleaners to Consumers

These award-winning photos capture the drama of Earth's garden

International Garden Photographer of the Year competition honors best garden, flower and plant images.

Can the zero-waste movement survive the coronavirus?

It’s official: Your reusable mug has been tainted -- with suspicion.

As coronavirus fears soar, Europe moves to ban wasteful ‘ghost flights’

Planes have been flying empty to avoid losing their places at busy airports.

How long do chickens live?

A chicken could live anywhere from a few weeks to a very dog-like 12 years.

EWG Applauds Introduction of Minnesota State Water Well Testing Bill H.F. 3950

How many polar bears are there?

It's unclear exactly how many polar bears are left in the wild, but several populations likely…

Is polyester biodegradable?

Polyester fabric is not biodegradable. To understand why, it helps to know how it's made and…

Are we panic buying or just stocking up?

Fear, survival instincts and herd mentality all contribute to panic buying.