Why do purple martins have such big houses?

Purple martins love tall, condo-style houses that can host a crowd.

Hold on to your buns, because fake burgers are going wild

The meat vs. "meat" saga continues, but this time, the meat industry might be switching sides.

Chipper the dog sets a high bar for recycling

A recycling dog named Chipper will pick up plastic bottles, cans and even old shoes.

Air pollution in some national parks is as bad as Los Angeles

Nearly every single one of our national parks is plagued by significant air pollution.

EWG Comments on ATSDR Draft Toxicological Profile for Glyphosate

Scientists create a new type of plastic that can be recycled forever

New plastic PDK can be broken down at a molecular level and come back just as…

10 Ways to Conserve Money, Time and Energy Around the House

Being eco-conscious doesn’t have to stress you out or stretch your budget. Learn how to be…

Unhealthy air plagues our national parks, just like it plagues our cities

The air at 85% of national parks is unhealthy at times, report finds, building on a…

Gov. Newsom Bans Use of Brain-Damaging Pesticide In California

With hurricane season looming, Trump is blocking relief funds and mocking Puerto Rico

The way Trump has dealt with Puerto Rico and Hurricane Maria does not bode well for…