Fight over Puerto Rico funds puts Senate disaster aid package on hold

Trump's tweets about Puerto Rico just made it harder for the Senate to pass a relief…

Why Africa is building a Great Green Wall

More than 20 countries are working together to build the Great Green Wall, planting trees and…

Why Africa is building a Great Green Wall

More than 20 countries are working together to build the Great Green Wall, planting trees and…

Two Big Steps Toward Meeting Our Climate Pledge

13 must-see trees around the world

This virtual tour of amazing trees around the world will blow your mind.

13 must-see trees around the world

This virtual tour of amazing trees around the world will blow your mind.

In Senate Hearing, EPA’s Wheeler Rejects Calls To Ban Asbestos, Dodges Risks From PFAS Chemicals

Out-of-Season Algae Outbreaks on the Rise

What's the difference between black rhinos and white rhinos?

Black rhinos and white rhinos are both gray, so here's how these incredible animals differ.

If you have preserves in the pantry, you need 'The Food in Jars Kitchen'

Marisa McClellan's latest recipe book, "The Food in Jars Kitchen," shows people how to use what's…