Carmen Sandiego returns to Google Earth in new game – CNET

Ready to scour the globe again?

Amazon Fire TV tops 34 million users, widening its lead over Roku

Amazon Fire TV’s lead over rival streaming platform Roku is widening. In January at the Consumer…

G7 countries to sign charter on tech regulation in August

Digital ministers of the Group of 7 nations are meeting today to discuss an upcoming charter…

Uber’s new ‘quiet mode’ lets you avoid small talk with drivers – CNET

If you want to catch a nap on your next ride, this Uber Black feature is…

Kevin Durant picks a headphone company — and it’s based in New York – CNET

The NBA star has taken an equity stake in New York-based audio brand Master & Dynamic.…

Tealium, a big data platform for structuring disparate customer information, raises $55M led by Silver Lake

The average enterprise today uses about 90 different software packages, with between 30-40 of them touching…

Apple Pencil alternative Logitech Crayon ties its all-time-low $35 – CNET

That's less than half the price of Apple's stylus, though it does lack one feature. wants to bring order to service meshes with centralized management hub

As containers and microservices have proliferated, a new kind of tool called the service mesh has…

Madrona Venture Labs raises $11M to build companies from the ground up

The startup studio model is taking off.

New FCC proposal would make it easier for carriers to block robocalls

The current FCC commissioners’ stances haven’t always made them the most popular with consumers (see: net…