Adam *******’s Chris Farley tribute: ‘Most moving’ SNL sketch ever – CNET

The late comedian's classic skits, including roles as a wannabe Chippendale, Lunch Lady, and as a…

SNL pits Game of Thrones against Avengers on Family Feud – CNET

We'd love to see Brienne of Tarth go up against Thanos any day.

New Star Wars books coming to lead up to The Rise of Skywalker – CNET

Lucasfilm announces a new line of books and comics to get fans excited about the new…

We are leaving older adults out of the digital world

Jessica Fields Contributor Share on Twitter Jessica Fields is a research analyst and program manager at…

Week-in-Review: the iPhone fades and SpaceX confirms an explosion

After a dozen years of riding high, the iPhone is showing signs of weakness in a…

Facebook is pivoting

“The future is private,” said Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook’s roadmap, after conceding “we don’t exactly have…

Trump’s Bank Lawsuit Tops This Week’s Internet News Roundup

The president, his family, and company are trying to stop the banks from responding to congressional…

Tesla Raises Money, Drones Get Certified, and More Car News This Week

Telsa says it will raise up to $2.7 billion in new capital, and Uber prepares for…

War wrecked an African ecosystem. Ecologists are trying to restore it

Bringing back big predators to Gorongosa, once a wildlife paradise in Mozambique, is just one piece…

Flying a plane is hard, but it’s amazing that we get to do it at all (Q&A) – CNET

British Airways pilot Mark Vanhoenacker talks about his new book, How to Land a Plane, and…