Affordable and audiophile come together in the Creative Aurvana Trio headphones – CNET

Aurvana’s delicious Trio in-ear headphones impress the **** out of the Audiophiliac.

Adam Audio’s spunky new T5V desktop speaker – CNET

The Audiophiliac lends an ear to the newest, most affordable Adam audio monitor speaker.

Silicon Valley scooter wars

Electric scooters have become the hot new area for startups and “innovation.” For those who haven’t been…

NBA Finals Game 4 memes: Where will LeBron James play next? – CNET

The Golden State Warriors took the trophy, but all the buzz was about King James possibly…

Accenture wants to beat unfair AI with a professional toolkit

Next week professional services firm Accenture will be launching a new tool to help its customers…

US startups off to a strong M&A run in 2018

With Microsoft’s $7.5 billion acquisition of GitHub this week, we can now decisively declare a trend:…

Space Photos of the Week: Jupiter’s Lightning Is Striking

The strikes are a lot like on Earth, but they tend to linger toward the poles.

What is Advanced HDR by Technicolor? – CNET

Seriously, another HDR format? Technicolor’s foray into the HDR world is already in some TVs. Here’s…

Magna Steyr to start BMW Z4 production in Graz this year – Roadshow

That's the same place the Mercedes G-Class is assembled.

‘Solo: A Star Wars Story’ Should Have Been Two Movies

A second film could've explored where Han Solo got his cynical, jaded attitude.