Why using genetic genealogy to solve crimes could pose problems

Rules governing how police can use DNA searches in genealogy databases aren’t clear, raising civil rights…

The Comcast-Disney Battle Isn’t Just Business—It’s a Grand Human Drama

Rubert Murdoch and Brian Roberts aren't just trying to increase their empires; they're two men seeking…

In a conservation catch-22, efforts to save quolls might endanger them

After 13 generations isolated from predators, the endangered northern quoll lost its fear of them.

Can You Spot the Hidden Images in These Psychedelic Landscapes?

Terri Loewenthal uses self-made reflective optics to compose scenes that look like double exposures but are…

At-home telomere testing is not a reliable marker of aging, researcher says

Telomere testing for consumers offers a poor measure of “biological age,” says Johns Hopkins oncologist Mary…

Can This State Finally Put a Price on Carbon?

After a decade of failed carbon taxes, Washington state is pushing to pass the country's first…

Amazon Fire TV Cube: Details, Price, Release Date

Alexa knows: it's hip to be square.

Alternatives to Cobalt, the Blood Diamond of Batteries

Can scientists find a way to power our phones, robots, and electric cars without cobalt?

50 years ago, NASA astronauts prepared to return to space

Apollo 7 crewmembers underwent their first major tests 50 years ago. Today, U.S. astronauts struggle to…

We Need to Talk About Robots Trying to Pass as Humans

Robots that mimic humans are getting so entrancing, it’s easy to forget how ethically problematic they…