Senators allege CIA collected data on Americans in warrantless searches

Two Democratic members of the Senate Intelligence Committee have raised concerns about how the CIA has…

Don Lemon chides GOP lawmaker for her Trump Tower video

After previously condemning former President Donald Trump for his actions on January 6, Rep. Nancy Mace…

A school bus driver is facing charges after having dozens of students on board while *****, sheriff’s office says

A Flagler County, Florida, school district bus driver accused of driving ***** while 40 middle school…

NFL tells members of Congress that Washington Commanders are blocking access to documents from team investigation

NFL officials argued in a letter to two US representatives that the Washington Commanders are withholding…

Snowboarding legend Shaun White crashes out on final Olympic run

US snowboarding great Shaun White ended his legendary career with a disappointing finish in the men's…

Nearly 58 years later, police solve cold case ****** of 9-year-old girl

Nearly 58 years ago, Marise Chiverella was murdered and her body left in a hole in…

Cheney vows House January 6 committee ‘won’t be intimidated’ after RNC censure for her involvement

Rep. Liz Cheney on Thursday hit back at critics of the House select committee investigating January…

White father and son charged for chasing and shooting at Black FedEx driver

Two White men are facing criminal charges after a Black FedEx Express driver alleged that he…

Her daughter worried when she didn’t send her usual Wordle update. She was being held hostage by a ***** man, police said

An Illinois woman held hostage in her home was rescued after her daughter noticed she had…

Pizzeria ad accidentally shows ***** man

A pizzeria ad accidentally features a ***** man in a cup of ******* cappuccino. CNN's Jeanne…