Opinion: House Republicans flinched before Marjorie Taylor Greene

The Grand Old Party has a grand new problem named Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. House Republicans,…

More than 20 women arrested for riot role

CNN's Tom Foreman takes a closer look at a number of women that attended and are…

Mother of 9-year-old who was allegedly pepper-sprayed notifies city she intends to sue

The mother of a 9-year-old girl who allegedly was pepper-sprayed and handcuffed by Rochester police officers…

‘Ignorance’: Doctor reacts to Rand Paul going maskless on Senate floor

Frustration boiled over on the Senate floor after Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) refused to wear a…

Analysis: Canada’s cracking down on far right extremism. Your move, America

The gang Trump told to "stand back and stand by" has just been designated a terrorist…

Analysis: Canada’s cracking down on far right extremism. Your move, America

The gang Trump told to "stand back and stand by" has just been designated a terrorist…

About 35.2 million Covid vaccine doses administered in US, according to CDC

The compensation fund for alleged Jeffrey Epstein victims pauses payouts

The program compensating alleged victims of Jeffrey Epstein will pause payouts because Epstein's estate is low…

Greene was stripped of her committee assignments. What now?

The Democrat-led House of Representatives voted on Thursday to remove Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from…

The 11 GOP lawmakers who voted with Democrats

The House will vote Thursday on a measure to remove Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene from…