Ruffalo: ‘Approval of Willow project will undermine progress on climate change’

Ruffalo: ‘Approval of Willow project will undermine progress on climate change’ rcoleman March 16, 2023
WASHINGTON – The Biden administration on March 13 approved the massive Willow oil drilling project in Alaska in the federally owned National Petroleum Reserve. Below is a statement from actor and activist Mark Ruffalo.  
Simply put, President Joe Biden’s decision to approve the Willow project will undermine much of the progress his administration has made to address climate change.  We have no time to lose when it comes to addressing the climate crisis. But the Willow project could add more than 250 million metric tons of carbon emissions to the atmosphere over the next 30 years, or the annual emissions of 66 coal plants. Sacrificing our climate and wildlife and burdening our indigenous communities with even more pollution is the wrong course for this president and our nation. At a time when we should be rapidly reducing our reliance on fossil energy, this decision moves us in the wrong direction.
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