Aretha Franklin Reportedly Receiving Hospice Care At Home, Resting Now With Family By Her Side

Keep praying for Aretha Franklin!

The legendary singer is now reportedly receiving hospice care at her home, and family has come to be by her side as she rests during what may unfortunately be her last days.

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The 76-year-old singer, who was first reported "gravely ill" just recently, is apparently in good spirits even as she battles poor health.

Franklin's nephew, Tim Franklin, updated People on the situation at her home and said:

"She's alert, laughing, teasing, able to recognize people. Family is there with her. She's home. I saw her a week ago Friday and we talked for about 45 minutes to an hour. My brother was there on Saturday and she was alert, talking, laughing, joking. She's watching TV, so god forbid she sees all of this ‘Aretha's dead,' so I don't want to dampen her spirits on that."

OMG -- no kidding!

But it sounds like she's still pretty mentally sharp, at least, which is a very good thing.

According to Showbiz 411 reporter Roger Friedman on CNN, even though things look bad, everyone is staying relatively positive at the house (below):

"She has a great family, she's surrounded by love, and the world is sending prayers. All further announcements will be made by her family. We just want to send love and prayers."


Related: Who Is This Generation's Aretha Franklin?

And even though the early reporting has hinted that death is imminent for the singer -- hence, the hospice care at home -- the family is still remaining hopeful, too -- at least publicly.

According to Tim, family members still believe there's a possibility she can pull through this sickness and get back to a clean bill of health:

"The family is trying to keep her spirits up and go from there. We believe she'll pull through it, she believes she'll pull through it, and that's the important thing."

We can only hope!!

Continued thoughts and prayers out to Aretha and her family!!

[Image via C.Smith/WENN.]

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