The lightning-fast Series A (that was 3 years in the making)

It took Christine Tao, founder of Sounding Board, just over three years to recognize the value…

5 trends in the boardrooms of high-growth private companies

Just as countless aspects of corporate life have been reshaped over the course of the last…

Social+ payments: Why fintechs need social features

The shift toward social+ is not going anywhere, and the fintech vertical is no exception. The…

No taxation without innovation: The rise of tax startups

Given the market needs for tax compliance, it’s somewhat shocking how poorly companies are being served…

3 steps to ease the transition to a no-code company

The success of your transition into a no-code company relies on how you strategically engage employees…

To solve all the small things, look to everyday Little AI

We should be deploying simple AI tools to solve and improve upon everyday tactics so we…

Three energy-innovation takeaways from Texas’ deep freeze

Unpredictability and complexity are quickening, and technology has its place, but not simply as an individual…

4 signs your product is not as accessible as you think

More than 1/4 of the U.S. adult population lives with some form of disability, and businesses…

Does Atlantic Canada have a blueprint for rural revival in the post-pandemic era?

Despite government programs, local entrepreneurs stress that the region’s modest success is primarily driven by the…

How nontechnical talent can break into deep tech

Here, I’ll share what I’ve learned and offer tactical advice for finding, reaching out to, cultivating…