Gavin Newsom’s Recall Election Divides Silicon Valley’s Elite

How the tech world’s unique brand of politics is shaping the fight over who governs California.

Looking for a New Job in Tech? It’s Your Lucky Day

Flexible WFH policies, signing bonuses, fancy cookies—employers are turning on the charm to attract engineers and…

What Airbnb’s Summer Boost Reveals About Covid-19 Recovery

The company’s latest earnings report showed an upsurge in business, but it also hedges expectations for…

The Pandemic Drives Cofounders to Couples Therapy

Startups are like relationships—at least that’s what some Silicon Valley therapists are pitching.

Clubhouse Opens Its Doors. Is Anyone Rushing to Get In?

Just a few days after ditching its invite-only status, the audio chat app had fewer than…

Pet Startups Are Having a Field Day

The pandemic ushered in a new wave of pet owners—and unleashed business opportunities for companies that…

Andreessen Horowitz Goes Ham on Crypto with a New $2.2B Fund

After its wildly successful Coinbase exit, the VC firm signals its commitment to cryptocurrencies with a…

These Startups Are Betting on a Remote-First World

As people redefine their relationship to the office, some entrepreneurs see an opportunity to reimagine everything…

A New Wave of Dating Apps Takes Cues From TikTok and Gen Z

Online dating exploded in popularity during the pandemic, and the number of new startups has grown.…

VC Pledged to ‘Do Better’ on Diversity. It’s Barely Changed

The Black Lives Matter protests drew sympathetic public statements from investors in 2020. One year later,…