A mussel **** diet could fuel invasive carp’s spread across Lake Michigan

Asian carp, just a human-made waterway away from reaching Lake Michigan, could live in much more…

One in 4 people live in places at high risk of running out of water

An update to the Aqueduct Water Risk Atlas reveals that 17 countries withdraw more than 80…

A fungus makes a chemical that neutralizes the stench of skunk spray

A compound produced by fungi reacts with skunk spray to form residues that aren’t offensive to…

Decades of dumping acid suggest acid rain may make trees thirstier

Acidified soil loses calcium, which can affect trees’ ability to hang on to water.

Mapping how the ‘immortal’ hydra regrows cells may demystify regeneration

In the continually regenerating hydra, fluorescent markers help researchers track stem cells on the way to…

A frog study may point to where parenting begins in the brain

Two brain regions, including one active in mammal parents, lit up with activity in both male…

A deadly fungus gives ‘zombie’ ants a case of lockjaw

Clues left on infected ant jaws may reveal how the ‘zombie-ant-fungus’ contracts ant muscles to make…

Night-shining ‘noctilucent’ clouds have crept south this summer

Clouds high in the atmosphere that catch the sun’s rays even after sundown may be seen…

Southern right whale moms and calves may whisper to evade orcas

Mother-calf whale pairs call to each other quietly to stay in touch while avoiding attracting the…

CO2 emissions are on track to take us beyond 1.5 degrees of global warming

Current and planned infrastructure will exceed the level of emissions that would keep global warming to…