‘Aladdin’ works its magic at the box office

"Aladdin" cast its spell over the holiday weekend box office.

Michael Phelps tweets about his struggles with anxiety and depression

Europe’s elections could yield seismic change

At stake over this long weekend, when Europe went to the polls to select its new…

Elton John refused to ‘tone down’ the *** and drugs in ‘Rocketman’

Elton John isn't shying away from his wild days. In fact, he said he pushed producers…

Aston Villa win the world’s most lucrative soccer match

Aston Villa will play in the English Premier League next season, after defeating Derby County 2-1…

What is The Murph Challenge and why is everyone doing it on Memorial Day

It's Memorial Day, it's incredibly hot out, and instead of lounging by the pool, a bunch…

James Charles cancels upcoming tour following Tati Westbrook feud

Beauty vlogger James Charles has canceled his upcoming "Sisters" tour, which was meant to be a…

German paper urges readers to wear kippah

German newspaper Bild published a cut-out kippah skullcap on its front page Monday, urging readers to…

Maine bars residents from opting out of immunizations for religious or philosophical reasons

Maine has become the fourth state in the nation to prohibit people from opting out of…

A Memorial Day heat wave is scorching the South

The South is sweating through Memorial Day with temperatures hotter than an average summer day.