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Army tweet prompts painful replies from veterans

A tweet from the US Army asking veterans to share stories of how serving affected them…

Austrian leader ousted after scandal over secret video

Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz and his government have lost a no-confidence vote following a corruption scandal…

Trump’s transgender military ban

President Trump's ban on transgender Americans joining the military is now in effect. We meet a…

How a police task force is fighting to make New York safer

When a subway ride in Queens last November became the setting of an anti-*** attack, New…

See what’s streaming in June

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World’s rivers ‘contaminated with antibiotics’

The world's rivers are widely contaminated with antibiotics, according to a new global study, the first…

What’s streaming on Netflix, Amazon and Hulu

Malaysia’s last male Sumatran rhino dies

Malaysia's last male Sumatran rhino has died, leaving behind just one female of the same rare…

Parasite in paradise: Rat lungworm disease confirmed in three Hawaii visitors

Rat lungworm disease has sickened three more visitors to the state of Hawaii recently, bringing the…