The Military Is Locked in a Power Struggle With Wind Farms

A nationwide fight between wind developers and the military highlights the challenge of transitioning to a…

5G networks could throw weather forecasting into chaos

Is it worth it to push our forecasting abilities back 40 years, just for faster cell…

5G Networks Could Throw Weather Forecasting Into Chaos

The FCC is clashing with scientists who argue that 5G networks could interfere with weather sensors…

China’s Scientists Are the New Kids on the Arctic Block

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo berated China this week for using its growing Arctic research program…

Seafloor Maps Reveal Underwater Caves, Slopes—and Fault Lines

Drone ships, deep-sea robots, and better sonar are finding unknown seafloor habitats as well as volcanoes,…

The Grid Might Survive an Electromagnetic Pulse Just Fine

A new report enters the debate over whether an EMP from a nuclear blast or a…

Offshore Wind Farms Are Spinning Up in the US—At Last

Bigger turbines, taller towers, and longer cables are making offshore wind farms more attractive than ever…

Data Centers Gobble Energy. Could a ‘Fossil-Free’ Label Help?

Though, to be honest, it’s probably a bit of a marketing ploy for a few green-powered…

Can AI Be a Fair Judge in Court? Estonia Thinks So

Estonia plans to use an artificial intelligence program to decide some small-claims cases, part of a…

Those Midwestern Floods Are Expected to Get Much, Much Worse

The intense snow and rainfall of the past several weeks have saturated the ground and rivers,…