Permanent Birth Control Is in Demand in the US—but Hard to Get

After the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, more people are seeking to get their tubes tied—assuming they…

Do Birth Control Pills Affect Your Mood? Scientists Can’t Agree

Over 100 million women are estimated to use oral contraceptives, but studies on the pill’s mental…

Canada Moves to Decriminalize Possession of ‘Hard’ Drugs

British Columbia’s three-year trial aims to address its opioid crisis. The legislation has been welcomed, but…

Welcome to the Great Reinfection

A repeat encounter with Covid used to be a rarity. But now that Omicron has changed…

Patients May Not Receive Miscarriage Care in a Post-Roe America

Doctors will be cautious about offering any treatment that could be regarded as an illegal termination—forcing…

This Gene Mutation Breaks the Immune System. Why Has It Survived?

Two new studies found genetic mutations that cause severe immune deficiencies are common in some remote…

The Ramifications of Roe’s Fall Won’t Stop at Abortion Bans

In certain states, politicians could leap on the opportunity to push for the criminalization of certain…

Hepatitis Cases in Kids Have Scientists Hunting for Answers

Young children across the world are inexplicably coming down with the liver illness, putting parents and…

Making Science More Open Is a Potential Security Risk

The open science movement pushes for making scientific knowledge quickly accessible to all. But a new…

She Was Missing a Chunk of Her Brain. It Didn’t Matter

A woman grew up without her left temporal lobe, which highlights how amazingly plastic the brain…