7 strange ice formations

Here are some fascinatingly odd ways that frost, ice and snow can appear. Here are some…

New Mexico bans coyote-killing contests on state land

New Mexico's coyote-killing contest ban does not outlaw the killing of coyotes by hunters or ranchers…

5 strangely cat-like traits of gray foxes

You'll wonder how gray foxes aren't in the cat family after reading these habits, like hanging…

How to identify a bird in 5 steps

Use this quick checklist in order, and you'll soon master the process of identifying a bird…

It takes this dragonfly 3 generations to complete its annual, 1,000-mile migration

Covering thousands of miles on three-inch wings, the common green darner dragonfly completes a multi-generation journey…

Killer whale calf's birth is a ray of hope for endangered Puget Sound group

It's the first birth spotted so far this season.

Why and how you should start a sit-spot routine

Spending time in nature has proven health benefits, and creating a sit-spot habit will help you…

Cat's tongue mushroom: Look for this tiny translucent treat on the forest floor

This little mushroom is a pleasant surprise to anyone enjoying a walk in the woods.

8 vampire animals that aren't necessarily bloodsuckers

We label a lot of species with the shiver-inducing denizen of the night, even if they…

Meet the bilby! 5 fast facts about this adorable Australian animal

The Australian bilby is becoming more popular, and they may just take over as the country's…