Ford and GM knew about climate change — and covered it up for decades

It wasn't just Exxon.

New York state’s bag ban is finally being enforced

Empire State residents used to go through 23 billion plastic bags each year. Not anymore.

Tackling climate change seemed expensive. Then COVID happened.

A new study finds that just one-tenth of COVID stimulus spending would be enough to limit…

The best, worst, and weirdest climate ads of 2020

From claymation turtles to air pollution vigilantes, these ads have something for everyone.

New polling on climate change: Denial is out, alarm is in.

The "alarmed" now outnumber the "dismissive" nearly four to one.

Anti-climate ads are flourishing on Facebook, report says

They were viewed at least 8 million times in the first half of 2020.

While other oil companies pledge ‘net-zero,’ Exxon plans to increase emissions

Leaked internal documents reveal that Exxon knew the climate impact of its seven-year growth plan.

Live on K Street and work for an oil company? Team Biden doesn’t want you.

A Biden-Harris transition team won’t include fossil fuel execs.

Elite law firms are ‘overwhelmingly’ working for the fossil fuel industry, new report says

They worked on 10 times as many cases exacerbating climate change as addressing it.

After a divisive presidential debate, a call for unity … from the American Petroleum Institute?

“We’re more alike than we think,” ads from the lobbying group said. We all love natural…