Brain-zapping implants that fight depression are inching closer to reality

Researchers are using electric jolts to correct the faulty brain activity that sparks depression.

Brain scans decode an elusive signature of consciousness

Newly described patterns of brain activity may help reveal the level of awareness in people with…

In the third trimester, a pregnant woman’s sense of personal space grows

Women’s sense of personal space grows to accommodate a larger belly during pregnancy, a small study…

No, we don’t know that gum disease causes Alzheimer’s

A recent study linked gum disease and Alzheimer’s disease, but the results are far from conclusive.

Rocking puts adults to sleep faster and makes slumber deeper

People sleep better when their beds are gently rocked, a small study finds.

The cerebellum may do a lot more than just coordinate movement

A study in mice finds that the cerebellum helps control social behavior, a result that has…

New ways to image and control nerve cells could unlock brain mysteries

Methods that target single nerve cells in mice and fruit fly brains are starting to tease…

Nerve cells from people with autism grow unusually big and fast

In some forms of autism, nerve cells develop faster than normal, possibly setting the stage for…

Probiotics don’t help puking kids, two large trials suggest

Parents might want to spend their money on ****** ale and Jell-O instead.

The battle over new nerve cells in adult brains intensifies

It’s not yet time to abandon the idea that adult human brains make new nerve cells.