The Physics Nobel Goes to the Big Bang and Exoplanets

James Peebles, Michel Mayor, and Didier Queloz share the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics for their…

Why Google’s Quantum Victory Is a Huge Deal—and a Letdown

When news leaked that Google scientists had achieved "quantum supremacy," researchers immediately clashed on its implications.

Even Huge Molecules Follow the Quantum World’s Bizarre Rules

A record-breaking experiment shows an enormous molecule is also both a particle and a wave—and that…

Sean Carroll Thinks We All Exist on Multiple Worlds

In his book *Something Deeply Hidden*, the physicist explores the idea of Many Worlds, which holds…

Unusual Fluids Flip, Twirl, and Redefine How Liquids Work

New shape-shifting liquids can move or morph on command. One scientist even used them to make…

Scientists Watch Atoms Fall to See Earth’s Changing Structure

A new instrument is so sensitive it can discern a 1.5-centimeter change in sea level. “It…

Physicists Made a Hot Plasma Doughnut to Study Solar Wind

Temperatures inside the Big Red Ball apparatus reached more than 150,000 degrees.

Why Big Banks Could Soon Jump on the Quantum Bandwagon

If you’re trying to model an uncertain economic future, consider using a machine that runs on…

New Analysis Techniques Unearth a Trove of Unusual Minerals

Ion beams and special x-rays mean that ever-smaller slivers of material can be scanned without destroying…

Physicists Hack the Uncertainty Principle to See an Ion Wiggle

Heisenberg's famous principle can't be violated, but it can be gamed. A new study shows a…