Hamilton on Disney Plus is bringing musical theater to a whole new audience – CNET

It's more than another movie musical -- it's a game changer.

A massive star just vanished without a trace and astronomers don’t know why – CNET

It appears the Kinman Dwarf may have gone gently into that good night.

‘Mysterious new creature’ unearthed in Australia is bear-sized wombat cousin – CNET

The newly discovered fossil of a prehistoric marsupial is like a wombat, but it's so unusual…

I’m playing WoW Classic for the first time and I never want to stop – CNET

I was never into MMOs growing up, but I've become well and truly entranced by WoW…

Soft-shelled dinosaur eggs ***** the mystery of missing fossils – CNET

Instead of cracking open like a chicken's egg, some dinosaurs may have emerged from soft-shelled eggs,…

The misunderstood funeral tech that’s illegal in 30 states – CNET

From mafia propaganda to moral outcry, what's stopping us from embracing water cremation technology?

Cave fossils show modern humans shared memes with Neanderthals – CNET

New research suggests **** sapiens and Neanderthals co-existed for longer than previously believed, allowing cultural ideas…

Jurassic Park got raptors all wrong, new study shows – CNET

Life didn't, uh, find a way -- at least, not the way we thought.

Llama antibodies might bring us closer to neutralizing COVID-19 – CNET

Progress could be within spitting distance, though you still shouldn't be.

Astronomers prove our sun is lazy and boring compared with other stars – CNET

Our sun isn't really applying itself like other stars of its size.