Canadian government allows Huawei CFO’s US extradition case to proceed 

Late last year, Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou was arrested in Vancouver, Canada over alleged violations of U.S. trade sanctions with Iran. This week, the Canadian government announced that it will allow for the executive’s extradition to proceed

Officials in the Department of Justice Canada have issued an Authority to Proceed, a proclamation that officially begins the extradition process, which could send Wanzhou to the U.S. to face charges.

Wanzhou, who is also the daughter of Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei, has found herself at the center of an on-going dispute between the smartphone maker and the U.S. government. In January, an indictment was unsealed linking Wanzhou to alleged bank fraud designed to help the company circumvent U.S./Iranian sanctions.

“The decision follows a thorough and diligent review of the evidence in this case,” the Canadian DOJ writes in a statement. “The Department is satisfied that the requirements set out by the Extradition Act for the issuance of an Authority to Proceed have been met and there is sufficient evidence to be put before an extradition judge for decision.”

It goes on to note that this is just the first step toward extradition. A judge will hear the case, following by the Minister of Justice, who will ultimately decide whether Wanzhou should be surrendered.

We’ve reached out to Huawei for comment.

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