The second death of long-submerged shipwrecks

Climate change is coming for underwater archaeological sites.

New EPA Chief Andrew Wheeler faces first call for ethics probe after less than a month

A top Democrat urged the Office of Government Ethics to review meetings between Scott Pruitt’s replacement…

Andrew Wheeler is afraid to revoke California’s fuel waiver. He should be.

Rescinding California's auto standards could trap the Trump administration in court for months.

The pope lobbies oil execs while Scott Pruitt is a drilling evangelist

From the pope’s mouth to Big Oil’s ears.

America’s best friends ready to take on climate … without Trump

Other big countries put fighting climate change ahead of placating Trump

Ikea kicks single-use plastics to the curb

Drinking straws are one item that's days are numbered as Ikea vows to eliminate throwaway plastic…

How to protest in Trump’s America according to people on the frontlines

A bevy of new laws seek to stifle dissent, but the right to peaceably assemble is…

Study weighs environmental costs of proteins

Beef and farmed catfish aren't great on the environment, but wild-caught fish and farmed shellfish have…

This shelter is making things right for survivors of violence — including the pets

Ahimsa House brings healing to survivors of domestic violence, by giving both humans and animals a…

Your kitchen towel could cause food poisoning

Using a kitchen towel for many uses can spread E. coli and get your family sick.