The search for the Dr. Fauci of climate change

A growing number of physicians are trying to transform the medical profession to meet the health…

Your electric vehicle could become a mini power plant

And that could make the electrical grid work better for everyone.

Republicans care more about the climate if you speak their language

A threat to "freedom"? How a new study changed minds in the real world.

Will history repeat in a dry Klamath Basin this summer?

This year’s drought is worse than in 2001, when political and environmental tensions exploded into the…

Decades after Watts revolted, the Black neighborhood is being ‘revitalized’ — but the cost is steep

Residents wonder how the most environmentally burdened place in California became one of the most vied-for…

Detroit’s first new assembly line in 30 years will compound pollution in Black neighborhoods

Residents are fighting back against the environmental racism.

Are white people bad for the environment?

The origins of global warming are “rooted in a racism of ‘I know better.’”

Salad will survive climate change. But at what cost?

We made eating greens more convenient. Can we make it truly democratic?

Think climate change isn’t ‘click-worthy’? These bots disagree.

Two artists and their army of ad-clicking bots are taking a stand.

Interior secretary recommends Biden restore national monuments Trump trashed

The Biden administration looks set to undo former President Donald Trump’s attacks on Bears Ears and…