Practicing joy (and social distancing) in nature

When lockdown hit, I found myself suddenly with more free time than I’d had since childhood.…

How the fossil fuel industry drives climate change and police brutality

A new report says that "fighting to end environmental racism goes hand in hand with defunding…

Senate GOP’s COVID Relief Package: $20 Billion for Big Farmers, Zero for Farmworkers and Hungry Families

European Regulators Find ‘No Safe Level’ of Hormone-Disrupting Chemical Common in Cosmetics

Dog Days of Summer: Pet Deaths From Toxic Algae Blooms Already Mounting

The surprising reasons why people ignore the facts about climate change

"If Democrats base their strategy on facts, then that’s a problem."

The curse of ‘both-sidesism’: How climate denial skewed media coverage for 30 years

Study finds big newspapers -- including the NYT -- favored arguments against climate action.

Summer vacation is broke. We’re fixing it.

Grist asked four Fixers for their vacation “dupes” in the summer of quarantine.

Meet UN Secretary-General António Guterres’ new youth climate advisors

The United Nations is bringing the youth climate movement to the table

McConnell COVID-19 Relief Package Fails Hungry Families, Food and Farm Workers