Where did the word 'OK' come from?

In honor of OK Day, here's a look at how this uniquely American acronym went viral.

Five Kids’ Snacks You Should Always Buy Organic

5 surprising facts about Leonardo da Vinci

500 years later, the world still celebrates Leonardo da Vinci, the ultimate Renaissance genius.

Why I don't wear sunscreen

I don't use sunscreen, and there's plenty of real scientific evidence to back up my choice.

What is companion planting?

Companion planting offers plants enhanced nutrition, shade, **** protection and more. Here's what to to plant…

Who wore ‘camp’ better: The Met Gala or climate change?

The over-the-top gala fell on the same day the U.N. released its overwhelming biodiversity report. Ironic?

Hate to sound like a broken record, but we just set a scary new CO2 record

The amount of carbon dioxide in our planet’s atmosphere reached a new monthly high: April’s average…

The TL;DR on that report that says we’re killing off everything

On Monday, the U.N. came out with another majorly depressing assessment (see previous depressing assessment: climate…

Meet ‘Climate Elvis’: NASA scientist by day, comedian by night

Josh Willis studies melting glaciers. Then makes people laugh about them. It’s not as sick as…

Can New York make buildings super-efficient, fast?

New York City is trying to implement big changes in the sustainability of its buildings. The…