We're starting to normalize extreme weather

Researchers say we're quickly forgetting what's normal, even as another Arctic blast is set to descend…

You can’t take on climate change without tackling sprawl

Carbon-belching cars, trucks, and planes are the biggest source of U.S. carbon emissions.

Cannabis psychoactive can now be made in the lab without any plants needed

Scientists have produced the psychoactive compound THC found in cannabis entirely in the lab, without any…

A bunch of representatives got Fs on their environment report cards

84 Republicans voted against the environment every chance they got last year, a new scorecard shows.

Pro-Trump billionaires continue to bankroll climate denial

New tax filings show the Mercer family gave big money to think tanks that peddle misinformation.

Our kids need us to act fast on climate change

Old-timers in Washington counsel patience, but most Americans agree: The time for big, bold ideas is…

Senate Confirms Wheeler, Ex-Fossil Fuel Lobbyist, To Head EPA

Can you get sued for adopting a rescue dog?

A legal battle in Texas pits the owners of a lost dog against the rescue group…

Glyphosate Contamination in Food Goes Far Beyond Oat Products

Can this plant really help us live forever (or at least a lot longer)?

Here's what you need to know about a Japanese plant called ashtabi known for anti-aging properties.…