Loop wants us to rethink consumption. It seems like a logistical disaster that might actually work.

The coalition of brands would like us to buy consumable products in reusable containers, and then…

Doomsday postponed? What to take from the big new Antarctica studies

This week, big studies brought grim, mixed news.

The House Natural Resource Committee’s climate change hearing turned into a heated conversation about race

For starters, Republican Rob Bishop (who is white) suggested the panel's focus on climate change was…

Dark side of the universe could be way more complicated than the light side

Our observations of the expansion rate of our universe, the Hubble constant, are becoming increasingly inconsistent.…

NASA and NOAA: 2018’s heat was one for the record books

"There’s no question about those trends in the data however we slice it."

Is the U.S. Doing Enough About Kids and Cell Phones?

Don’t look now, but the House just woke up to the cost of climate inaction

A climate-focused House committee returns from dead, awakens to staggering costs of climate change.

7 spectacular facts about yaks

Yaks are hardy pack animals that eat less than cows and have been a source of…

We’re getting close to a bill for the Green New Deal. Here’s what we (kinda) know.

As a Green New Deal bill approaches, it’s contents get fuzzier.

The neuston is a floating ocean ecosystem, and our plastic cleanup push could threaten it

A unique moving world called the neuston, which contains bacteria, protozoans and certain species of fish,…