White House May Adopt PFAS Cleanup Level 10x Higher Than CDC Deems Safe

After he retired from a job saving children, he started saving cats stuck in trees

Normer Adams combines his love for cats and climbing trees to help stranded kitties.

Holding a grudge can be surprisingly healthy

Here are 4 ways holding a grudge can be good for you, from self-reflection to setting…

Here’s the Green New Deal debate you haven’t heard yet

These grassroots leaders are working to keep the Green New Deal grounded in the communities most…

Democrats send Trump a literal trash pile to protest government shutdown

Two California representatives brought Trump a smelly souvenir from the national parks.

Feeling burned out by climate? You’re not alone.

A long BuzzFeed article on millennial burnout made the rounds. Here's what burnout means for climate…

The shutdown shows just how vital government scientists are

As federal scientists sit at home, the many industries that rely on them are already beginning…

The government is shut down, but oil development is (mostly) open for business

Oil projects aren't immune to the burden of a government shutdown, but they seem to be…

Trump EPA To Leave Lethal Paint Stripper Chemical Legal for Workers

Can a breath test detect cancer?

A device undergoing clinical trials in the U.K. may detect cancer by analyzing the compounds left…