Marie Kondo and the life-changing magic of just buying less

The elephant in the (very cluttered) room is consumerism, the heart of environmental evil!

It was a bad year for carbon emissions, even in California

California's emissions went the wrong way in 2018.

North Carolina to Trump: end the shutdown so we can use our hurricane aid

North Carolina needs to repair flood damage from Hurricanes Florence and Matthew.

Trump Nominates Ex-Coal Lobbyist, Andrew Wheeler, To Head EPA

It takes this dragonfly 3 generations to complete its annual, 1,000-mile migration

Covering thousands of miles on three-inch wings, the common green darner dragonfly completes a multi-generation journey…

How the government shutdown is affecting national parks

The government shutdown could affect the national parks for years to come.

Historically black community could face a toxic facility for Atlantic Coast Pipeline

The Virginia Air Pollution Control Board voted 4-0 in favor of a permit for a natural…

How to stack firewood

When you stack your firewood properly, you make it easier to get to — and safe to…

Mona Lisa really isn't that into you

Study says there's no Mona Lisa effect — where her eyes follow your every move —in da…

This family's 8-year odyssey brought them to 418 national sites across America

From Hawaii to Alaska, this Michigan family has visited 418 national sites.