California’s Camp Fire was the most expensive natural disaster worldwide in 2018

The state’s deadliest fire ever was also the world’s costliest catastrophe in 2018.

Lost seals invade small Newfoundland town

It's not common for seals to get lost, but it's not unheard of for them to…

Trump’s swap of ‘irreplaceable’ wilderness allows millions of dollars in seafood transport

A road through a national refuge in Alaska is meant to be for medical evacuations. But…

Prepping for the Seattle Squeeze? Here are 10 rules of bus etiquette

Does the end of the viaduct mean you're getting on Seattle transit for the first time?…

Baby can't stop laughing after finally hearing clearly for the first time

Baby Scarlet can't stop laughing after she finally hears clearly for the first time — and that…

Ocean temps rising faster than scientists thought: Report

Scientists say the rate of ocean warming has led to more rain, increased sea levels, coral…

The green movement has a diversity problem. And it is getting worse

Environmental NGOs and foundations still have a long way to go to diversify their ranks.

Why using a revolving door makes sense

For starters, it's more energy efficient than a standard door that swings.

EWG News Roundup (1/11): Trump EPA Walks Back Youth Pesticide Proposal, Coal Miners Turn Their Back on the President and More

How men and women feel pain differently

Several studies reveal how each gender responds — and it has a lot to do with…