There's a new cardboard in town, and it's super-strong and ultra-flexible

Penn engineers create "nanocardboard," which promises to be sturdier, lighter and thinner than corrugated cardboard.

Girl Scouts file lawsuit against Boy Scouts over name change

The Girl Scouts claim trademark infringement after boy scouts drop the word 'boy.'

What your phone photo reveals about you

The photo you use as your smartphone's home screen image speaks volumes about what you value,…

When Earth gets this colorful sheen, it's called airglow

An astronaut aboard the International Space Station catches Earth as it's enveloped in airglow, diffuse bands…

The global cities with the most — and the least — public green space

The World Cities Culture Forums' ranking of member cities with the highest and lowest percentages of…

3 climate winners (and losers) from the California midterms

Climate (mostly) won big in California.

Scientists had no idea where the world's tiniest flightless bird came from, until now

The Inaccessible Island rail (Atlantisia rogersi) can only be found on a single Atlantic island in…

The era of bipartisanship on climate is dead. Here’s what comes next.

Ah federal climate action. We hardly knew ye.

Why did the salmon cross the road?

Video shows chum salmon pushing themselves across a flooded road in Washington state.

Is the era of greyhound racing finally over?

Florida votes to close all its dog tracks.