Fisherman jumps on a thrashing whale's back to save its life

When California fishermen spotted an entangled humpback whale, they didn't hesitate to help.

BepiColombo spacecraft to probe the secrets of Mercury

The joint space mission called BepiColombo seeks to shed light on Mercury, our solar system's most…

Tom Steyer and the link between hate groups and climate denial

Many of the same patterns have appeared when extremists attack other targets.

EPA stops pretending to ‘update’ the climate change page it deleted


Kids who create imaginary worlds grow up to be better at open-ended thinking

Study finds that only 17 percent of children create deep imaginary worlds but they also exhibit…

How dare a Democrat take coal money, says actual ad from Florida Republicans

In Florida, ground zero for bizarre climate politics, a Republican committee released an ad blasting a…

EWG News Roundup (11/2): **** Killer Packs Bigger Punch Than Vitamins in Kids’ Cereal, Groundbreaking Cellphone Radiation Study and More

Tree of Life and our deadly climate of change

The incomprehensible violence of the worst attack on Jews on American soil was tied to the…

'Hair of the Dog' eavesdrops on the canine brain

In this comic, are we laughing at our dogs or are they laughing at us?

Is EPA’s Climate Change Website Gone for Good?