Live: Who said what during CNN’s Climate Crisis Town Hall

The greatest threat to life on earth finally gets the attention it deserves on Wednesday as CNN devotes seven whole hours to interviewing presidential candidates for its Climate Crisis Town Hall. It starts with Julián Castro, the former mayor of San Antonio, at 5 p.m. Eastern time and ends with Senator Cory Booker from New Jersey, who’s scheduled to go on after 11 p.m. But honestly, who has nearly a full work day to stare at a single screen — or two, if you’re a social media addict? If you’re unable to catch it all, Grist has you covered. Our writers and editors will be live-tweeting the entire thing, and recapping the highlights and lowlights from each interview right here.
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Julián Castro Throughout the course of his 40-minute time slot, Castro hammered the theme of environmental justice — the fair treatment of communities most vulnerable to pollution and climate change. Questions about disaster relief, keeping polluters accountable, and public lands all led back to Castro’s main focus: justice. “We need to connect the dots,” he said, “both for our benefit and our wildlife’s benefit, to combat climate change.” But Castro caught flack from a climate activist from the Sunrise Movement in the audience for “welcom[ing[ the fracking boom” during his tenure as mayor of San Antonio. “She’s right,” Castro replied. Even so, Castro said he would not ban fracking outright. “What I am doing,” he said, “is moving us away from fracking and natural gas and investing in wind energy, solar energy, other renewables.” Castro has released two components of his climate platform — an animal welfare and extinction plan and a $10 trillion investment plan — thus far, with more to come. Up next: Andrew Yang

This story was originally published by Grist with the headline Live: Who said what during CNN’s Climate Crisis Town Hall on Sep 4, 2019.

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