Giuliani claims Mueller waiting for Manafort verdict to negotiate Trump interview

President Donald Trump's attorney Rudy Giuliani said Tuesday that he believes special counsel Robert Mueller is…

Artificial gills for humans could become a reality

Breathing underwater, without the help of voluminous equipment, seems as unrealistic as flying overseas must have…

I think it’s safe to say McAfee’s ‘unhackable’ crypto-wallet has been hacked – CNET

Analysis: Until someone claims the Bitfi bounty, we won't know for sure.

Sarah Sanders apologizes for false claim about African-American jobs

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders issued a rare correction Tuesday night after falsely declaring that…

Evangeline Lilly wanted to play Leia in Star Wars trilogy – CNET

The actress says she loves playing The Wasp, but has dreams of an all-female Avengers movie.

Puerto Rico says power restoration after Maria is complete, but that’s not quite right

Power restoration after Hurricane Maria, which struck almost a year ago, has been completed, according to…

Omarosa Leaves Trevor Noah’s ‘Daily Show’ Set with Nothing But Smiles

Omarosa is getting called every name in the book for leaking secretly recorded convos with and…

Artificial gills for humans could become a reality

Designer Jun Kamei has created Amphibio, a 3D-printed 'gill' that promises to be a lightweight solution…

Twitter suspends Infowars host Alex Jones’ ability to tweet – CNET

Twitter follows the lead of other social media platforms.

Braves’ Acuna blasts 3rd straight leadoff homer

Braves rookie Ronald Acuna stayed red-hot at the plate Tuesday, hitting a leadoff home run for…