Ruffalo: PFAS drinking water standard delivers justice to poisoned communities

Ruffalo: PFAS drinking water standard delivers justice to poisoned communities rcoleman April 9, 2024
WASHINGTON – The following is the statement of Activist and Actor Mark Ruffalo on the Environmental Protection Agency’s new PFAS drinking water standard.
Today’s announcement comes too late for people like Amara Strande, Joel Stelt and countless others who were poisoned by PFAS polluters without their knowledge or consent. It’s a tribute to their families, who have fought tirelessly to bring justice for what can only be described as one of the greatest environmental crimes in our history.  After decades of delay, President Biden’s EPA has finally delivered a PFAS drinking water standard that will protect all of us. President Biden and his team pledged to make PFAS a priority, and he has delivered. No administration has done more to address the urgent threat posed by these toxic forever chemicals. But it is people like Amara who deserve our thanks today for finally having clean water. My message to polluters is simple: After poisoning your workers and neighbors for decades, we are finally making our public health, not your profits, our top priority. My message to communities devastated by PFAS pollution is equally simple: Your voices have been heard.


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